Immediately Following Your Treatment
When numbing cream wears off you will feel a slight tingling similar to a sunburn
DO NOT apply ice.
DO NOT work out or exert yourself.
DO NOT take IBUPROFEN (ADVIL ) only TYLENOL till dots have peeled.
DO NOT apply make-up
DO NOT consume Alcohol
Do not lay on your face or area treated
No sauna, steam room, swimming or sunbathing
No facials, massages or injectables till dots have completely peeled.
Aftercare DONT’S:
Do not pick the scabs. Let them fall off by themselves or you risk scarring & hyperpigmentation.
Do not apply any oils, moisturizers, or serums to soften dots. Dots must be allowed to dry out to properly fall off.
Do not apply any make-up until dots fall completely off. (7-10 days).
Do not apply any plasters (No bandages over area of any kind gauze or liquid) on the treated areas; doing so will delay the healing process.
Do not work out, swim, get in a hot tub or steam bath (avoid sweating and soaking scabs).
Your provided aftercare kit:
Colloidal Silver spray (clear spray bottle) Spray 3-5 sprays as needed to soothe pain, irritation, and itchiness. It will be your best friend during healing. Use as long as you like.
Gentle Fragrance-Free Foaming Face Wash in pink pump. Gently cleanse your face morning and night for 7 days.
Bacitracin Antibiotic Zinc Ointment (7 packages) Use nightly after cleansing your face. 7 nights.
Washing your face:
IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU KEEP TREATMENT AREAS CLEAN AND DRY UNTIL SCABS HAVE FORMED & EXFOLIATED. This is the most important step in order to ensure the best results and prevent the possibility of scarring or infection. Following Aftercare instructions exactly will ensure you achieve the best possible results.
Keep the treated area clean by using your Foaming Face Wash twice a day (morning and night). Gently splash the area with cool water and very gently clean with Cleanser and rinse thoroughly. Use mild gentle pressure to cleanse your skin. Dry by GENTLY PATTING SKIN… NO RUBBING!!! I highly recommend drying your face by PATTING with a soft paper towel instead of a fabric wash cloth.
Remember to apply your Ointment very thinly after washing your face at night before bed. I’ve included 7 packs to remind you how many days of healing you’ve reached. Please use all 7 packs.
Gently apply your Silver spray to the treated area as needed to relieve pain and/or itching until your scabs have fallen off.
IMPORTANT!!! PLEASE…. Allow scabs to come off on their own. This will ensure the best possible result and avoid scarring.
Once scabs have peeled off please avoid sun exposure and tanning beds. The skin is vulnerable and can easily become damaged by UV rays causing hyperpigmentation. Please apply SPF to prevent sun damage.
After scabs have peeled please nourish your skin with hydrating serums and moisturizers. Stay away from active products like Retinol, AHAs (Alpha Hydroxy Acids), or brightening serums for 1 month after scabs have peeled.
This treatment produces fibroblasts which are responsible for the collagen production in your skin and it can only be produced when swelling takes place. You can expect to have some redness and swelling immediately after the procedure and for around 3 days. In this case swelling is a great thing. It proves that your body is reacting and working hard to repair the controlled trauma. Please DO NOT take Ibuprofen or use ice to reduce swelling as this shortens the healing process.
Stages of Healing:
Day 1: Try to lay propped up with pillows. Do not lay completely horizontal. Weeping from the treated area is normal as well as some discomfort. The swelling will likely be worse in the mornings and lessen towards the evening. You may find it difficult to open your eyes in the morning following the treatment however; it will subside throughout the day. It will feel like a bad sunburn.
Day 2: The swelling typically peaks by day 2. Keep in mind swelling is worse in the mornings and lessens through the day. Swelling can also spread to the under eye area DON’T PANIC this is perfectly normal. The upper and lower eye are all connected therefore the fluids from the upper eye will drain to the lower eye area. This too shall pass. Discomfort is still present and to be expected on the second day.
Day 3: You will notice an improvement in the swelling and the “dots”. Your level of discomfort will have subsided dramatically the 3rd day. For those who experienced the under eye swelling, this may still be present.
Day 4: Some mild residual swelling may still be present on the upper eyelids. No more pain or discomfort should be felt. Dots should be dry and you should feel tightening of skin.
Day 5: Swelling should be complete and scabs may still be present. Keep up with recommended aftercare.
BEFORE dots fall off:
Remember do not wear makeup over the treated area or resume your normal skin care routine or use any additional skincare products not included in your aftercare kit until AFTER the dots fall off.
AFTER dots fall off:
You may resume your normal skin care routine with the exception of Retinol, AHAs (Alpha Hydroxy Acids), or brightening serums. These products are harsh on new skin and can lead to hyperpigmentation. Please wait an additional 4 weeks after dots have shed before resuming those treatments.
Limit sun exposure for 2-3 months after PlasmaLift treatment. It’s highly recommended to use a daily moisturizer that has added sun protection to your skin care routine.
After dots have fallen off your skin will be begging for moisture. Your skin will thank you for products with hyaluronic acid.
If you have any further questions or concerns about aftercare please TEXT me anytime at 865-679-3494.